Glorifying Look Provided By IMB

Like every other girl I wanted to look my best on my engagement day party. I wanted a sober look on this day that suits well to my bright outfit. The salon IMB’s owner listen to me well and provide me with some extra professional service that enhances my beauty.

As a professional makeup artist in Lucknow Isha Shukla suggested me to go for some simple look that was suiting me the best at my engagement day and was stimulating the beauty of my dress. The makeup she applied on me was of simple and was glorifying my look, she blush my cheeks with pink shade and put eyeliner which was of similar shades to my eyes. She beautifies my lips by covering them with pink and lavender shade with some glossy touch. The overall look which came out was really awesome and electrifying.

The makeup was giving me ravishing look, which was sparking my engagement photographs. The makeup service which I get at IMB was really satisfying as it was boosting my looks on my special day. The artists working at salon in Lucknow are cooperating and provide with their best possible assistance.

Thus I really enjoyed the makeup service provided by them, as everyone around was praising my look and makeup.


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